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Showing All Words belonging to the category "Verbs" :

ID Word Number of Entries
41 to bite 1,622
137 to blow 1,680
28 to breathe 1,310
144 to burn 1,754
91 to buy 1,172
38 to chew 1,143
85 to choose 949
172 to climb 1,230
7 to come 1,793
39 to cook 1,678
196 to count 1,440
34 to cry 1,693
78 to cut, hack 1,949
75 to die, be dead 1,733
90 to dig 1,610
50 to dream 1,275
40 to drink 1,773
37 to eat 1,937
95 to fall 1,726
22 to fear 1,526
123 to flow 1,204
101 to fly 1,732
86 to grow 906
44 to hear 1,766
171 to hide 1,110
72 to hit 1,779
89 to hold 1,513
69 to hunt 1,296
74 to kill 1,644
20 to know, be knowledgeable 1,653
33 to laugh 1,666
49 to lie down 1,391
76 to live, be alive 1,476
92 to open, uncover 1,266
84 to plant 1,209
93 to pound, beat 1,151
64 to say 1,788
77 to scratch 1,531
46 to see 1,863
67 to sew 1,420
70 to shoot 1,130
51 to sit 1,738
48 to sleep 1,802
29 to sniff, smell 1,518
36 to spit 1,584
80 to split 1,517
88 to squeeze 1,443
71 to stab, pierce 1,456
52 to stand 1,653
73 to steal 1,300
42 to suck 1,433
87 to swell 1,248
9 to swim 1,735
21 to think 1,409
94 to throw 1,502
66 to tie up, fasten 1,736
8 to turn 1,435
35 to vomit 1,663
5 to walk 2,046
83 to work 1,346
47 to yawn 946

61 entries found