: Austronesian : Crows : Bantu :

Language: Futuna, East

Source/Author:  POLLEX 2000 (Bruce Biggs & Ross Clark) 
Identifiers:  ISO-639-3:fud  Glottocode: east2447 
Data Entry:  Typed By: Simon Greenhill  Checked By: Simon Greenhill 
Classification:  Austronesian:Malayo-Polynesian:Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian:Eastern Malayo-Polynesian:Oceanic:Central-Eastern Oceanic:Remote Oceanic:Central Pacific:East Fijian-Polynesian:Polynesian:Nuclear:Samoic-Outlier:Futunic 


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ID: Word: Item: Annotation: Cognacy: Loan:
1 hand lima Five, hand 1, 64  
2 left sema Left (Hand) 11  
3 right 'atamai Intelligent, expert, clever; right (not left) (Bgs) 7  
4 leg/foot va'e Leg 1, 100  
5 to walk sa'ele Go (on foot) (Bgs) 6  
5 to walk ano could be related to paNaw but lacks initial f 2  
6 road/path kauala Roadside 1  
6 road/path ala Road 1  
7 to come àu Arriver, venir, parvenir (Mfr) 44  
8 to turn word info tafuli Pollex 06: Tafuli. :Turn (Bgs). 15  
8 to turn word info fuli   15  
9 to swim kakau Swim 5  
9 to swim kakau Swim 5  
10 dirty kelekele Dirty 10  
10 dirty palapala Wet (as soiled clothing) 7  
11 dust efu Dust (Bgs) 1  
12 skin kili Skin 1  
13 back word info paapaatuà Small/flat of back (Bgs) 11  
13 back word info tu'a   11  
14 belly kona Lower abdomen (Gzl) 8  
14 belly manava   9  
14 belly tina'e belly of a pregnant woman 19, 34  
15 bone ivi Bone 52, 5  
16 intestines tina'e Intestines, pregnant (Bgs) 1  
16 intestines vāvā   11  
17 liver àte Liver (Bgs) 1  
18 breast uu Breast 1  
19 shoulder uma Epaule (Gzl). Aile (de poule) (Mfr) 10  
20 to know, be knowledgeable maatino Think, decide; be determined, decided (Bgs) 17  
20 to know, be knowledgeable ìloa To know something (Bgs) 13  
20 to know, be knowledgeable masani Be accustomed to, familiar with (Bgs) 14  
20 to know, be knowledgeable poto Clever, knowledgeable (Bgs) 15  
21 to think masalo Think, be of the opinion that (Bgs) 8  
21 to think manatu Penser; se rappeler (intransitif) (Mfr) 9  
22 to fear mataku Afraid, fear 1  
22 to fear ìi Be afraid, frightened (Bgs) 9  
23 blood toto Blood (Bgs) 4  
24 head 'ulupoko Skull 10, 62  
24 head 'ulu Head 1  
25 neck 'ua Neck (Bgs) 18  
26 hair word info fulu Hair, feather 31  
26 hair word info lau ulu Cheveux de la tete (Gzl) 40  
27 nose isu Nose 1  
28 to breathe gaàki Haletant, ensoufle 10  
28 to breathe maanava Breath, breathe (Bgs) 1  
28 to breathe ga'ega'esā out of breath 10, 11  
29 to sniff, smell sogi Touch noses 9  
30 mouth gutu Mouth 2  
31 tooth nifo Tooth 1  
32 tongue àlelo Tongue (Bgs) 15  
33 to laugh kata Laugh 7  
34 to cry tagi Pleurer, gemir, cris d'animaux (Gzl) 1  
35 to vomit lulua Vomit (Bgs) 8  
35 to vomit luaki Vomit (Bgs) 8, 31  
36 to spit kisu Spray out from the mouth (e.g. chewed-up medicinal leaves or water) (Bgs) 14, 56  
36 to spit àànu Spit (Bgs) 14, 84, 121  
37 to eat kai Food, eat 1, 47  
37 to eat omaki Boire en mangeant x  
38 to chew word info gau Chew (as sugar-cane) 8  
39 to cook word info saka Boil food in a container over a fire (Bgs) 2  
39 to cook word info ta'o Cook (in oven) (I) 10  
40 to drink inu Drink 1  
41 to bite katikati Nibble in small pieces (Bgs) 1, 55  
41 to bite 'u'uti Bite (Bgs) 9  
41 to bite 'uu Mordre; porter a la bouche (Gzl) 8  
42 to suck komo To suck on (as a cigarette) (Bgs) 7  
42 to suck mitimiti Suck, lick (Bgs) 8  
42 to suck mimiti Suck (Gzl),(i) 8  
42 to suck momi Eat with lips only, suck 71  
42 to suck umia Se dit d'une femelle qui est tetee, qui nourrit des petites (Rch) 12  
43 ear taliga Ear (Bgs) 1  
44 to hear logo Hear, news 1  
45 eye mata Eye, face 1  
46 to see kite Appear in distance; be seen (Bgs) 1  
46 to see mamata Look at (Bgs) 8  
46 to see matamata See, look at (Gzl) 8  
46 to see tio   132  
47 to yawn maavava Yawn 19  
48 to sleep moe Lie down, sleep (Bgs) 10, 109  
49 to lie down word info moe Lie down, sleep (Bgs) 6  
50 to dream moemiti Dream (Bgs) 7, 36  
50 to dream moemiti Dream (Bgs) 7, 36  
51 to sit nofo Sit, dwell 16  
52 to stand tu'u Stand, upright, to be 2  
53 person/human being tagata Man, person (Bgs) 1, 66, 97  
54 man/male tagata Man, person (Bgs) 12, 14  
55 woman/female fafine Woman 1, 106  
55 woman/female fafine Female 1, 106  
56 child tama Child, boy (Bgs) 6  
56 child tamaliki Petits enfants de deux sexes (Gzl) 6, 63  
57 husband àavaga Spouse, marry (Bgs) 13  
58 wife finematuà wife (Bgs), (Rch) 5, 9  
59 mother tinana Mother, dam 1  
60 father tamana Father 1  
61 house kaaiga Maison, habitation famille, parente 6  
61 house fale House 14  
62 thatch/roof inaki A section of thatch one lath wide, horizontally and from ridge to eave, vertically (Bgs) 11  
62 thatch/roof àto Thatch (Bgs) 1  
63 name igoa Name 6  
64 to say pati      
65 rope maea Cord, cable (Bgs) 10  
65 rope taula Ancre, cable (Gzl) 9  
66 to tie up, fasten liilii Tie up, wrap around, wind (as fishing line) (Bgs) 14  
66 to tie up, fasten noakie Ceinture 15  
66 to tie up, fasten noa'ua S'etrangler 15  
67 to sew word info tui Sew (Bgs) 13, 16  
68 needle sika Shuttle used for net making (Bgs) 9  
69 to hunt word info feua to hunt or to fish    
69 to hunt word info fana to hunt with a gun 53  
70 to shoot word info kalolo      
71 to stab, pierce sokaì Embrocher 67  
71 to stab, pierce suki Pierce, stick into (as hypodermic needle) (Bgs) 1, 8  
72 to hit word info pakia Brise, abattu; blessure mort (Rch) 6  
72 to hit word info paatuu Strike (Bgs) [<] 7  
72 to hit word info sasa Beat, thrash 12  
72 to hit word info taa Frapper, battre, couper, tailler (Gzl) 10  
73 to steal kaiaà Steal (Bgs) 7  
73 to steal kaiàa Steal (Bgs) 7  
74 to kill tamate   2  
75 to die, be dead mate Die 1  
76 to live, be alive ma'uli Life, alive (Bgs) 1, 76  
77 to scratch word info aku Pollex 06: Aku/aku. :Scratch, scrape out (Bgs). 9  
77 to scratch word info vaku   9  
78 to cut, hack word info vasi Diviser, couper en morceaux 13  
78 to cut, hack word info isi Split, divide, separate (Wms) 10  
78 to cut, hack word info kamu Couper, rogner, raccourcir.(Gzl) 15  
78 to cut, hack word info koti Cut with scissors, clip 9  
78 to cut, hack word info sele Knife, cut 16  
78 to cut, hack word info talai Trim branches off tree 1  
78 to cut, hack word info tu'uti Couper, trancher (Gzl) 17  
79 stick/wood laàkau Arbre, arbrisseau; bois, plante 1, 26  
80 to split word info fakapaisi   4  
81 sharp kakai Affile, aiguise, tranchant (Gzl) 14  
81 sharp fakakaa Sharpen 14, 15  
82 dull, blunt matatuka   49  
83 to work word info gaa'oi To work; work (Bgs) 11  
84 to plant too Planter, semer (Gzl) 4  
85 to choose fili Select, choose 1  
86 to grow word info somo grow, shoot, sprout, grow up.(Rch) 7  
87 to swell word info fufula Swollen, as a boil 7  
88 to squeeze word info kokoì Squeeze, press on (Bgs) 9  
88 to squeeze word info lolomi Press on, massage 10  
88 to squeeze word info kukumi Squeeze with hands, grasp (Bgs) 14  
89 to hold word info kuku Embrace, hold in arms (Bgs) 12  
89 to hold word info sapo Take in the hand, catch (Bgs) 15  
90 to dig kenu Dig (Bgs) 6  
91 to buy fakatau   9  
91 to buy totogi   10  
92 to open, uncover sufegi   9  
93 to pound, beat word info soka French: piler    
94 to throw word info pèesi Jeter, rejeter (Gzl) 12  
94 to throw word info àtufi Jeter avec force, lancer, abattre (Rch) 13  
94 to throw word info tii Jeter, lancer (Gzl) 9  
95 to fall word info malele Chavirer, se renverser (Gzl) 12  
95 to fall word info siga Fall v 44  
95 to fall word info too Tomber, choir (Gzl) 14  
96 dog kulii Dog 7  
97 bird manu Animal (Gzl), animal, bird (i) 1  
98 egg fua   5  
98 egg niuniu white of egg    
99 feather fulu Hair, feather 1  
100 wing kapakau Wing 1, 59  
101 to fly lele Fly, run quickly (Bgs) 11  
102 rat kimoa Pollex 06: Kimoa. :Rat. 14  
102 rat kimoa   14  
103 meat/flesh kano Flesh of animal, fish, fruit; flavour (Bgs) 14  
103 meat/flesh kanofi Flesh (not vegetable, except coconut) (Bgs) 14  
104 fat/grease gako Animal fat (Bgs) 14  
104 fat/grease sinusinu Oil 12  
105 tail siku Tail, end (Bgs) 13  
106 snake gata Serpent 12  
107 worm (earthworm) kelemutu   9  
108 louse word info kutu Louse 1  
108 louse word info tuma Bodylouse 3  
109 mosquito namu Mosquito 1  
110 spider kaleveleve Spider, spiderweb 1  
111 fish matu Pollex 06: Matu. :A fish (Bgs) 32  
111 fish ika   1  
112 rotten word info pala Rotten 13  
112 rotten word info popo Rotten, as thatch, wood 14  
113 branch word info laàlaà Small branch 1  
113 branch word info laàkau Arbre, arbrisseau; bois, plante 1, 4  
114 leaf lau Leaf 1  
115 root aka Root 2  
116 flower fiti Flower (Bgs) 8  
116 flower see Flower, blossom (Bgs) 9  
117 fruit fua Fruit, bear fruit 1  
118 grass mutie Pelouse, gazon 13  
119 earth/soil kele Earth 10  
119 earth/soil kelekele Dirty 10  
120 stone fatu Stone 1  
120 stone maka Stone; to hurl a stone with a sling (Gzl) 4  
121 sand 'one Sand (Bgs) 1  
122 water word info vai Water 2  
123 to flow sali Flow, fall (of water) (Bgs) 24  
123 to flow tafe Couler, s'{couler (Gzl) 10  
124 sea moana Sea 10  
124 sea tai Shallow sea over the reef as opposed to the open ocean (Moana); the shore as opposed to inland (`uta); tide (Bgs) 1  
125 salt pa'atai Pollex 06: <Pa`atai. :Salt (Bgs)>. 20, 19  
125 salt pa'atai   20, 19  
126 lake namo Large shallow area on reef (Bgs) 7  
127 woods/forest 'ulu Grovem clump (Bgs) 15  
127 woods/forest vao Forest 14  
128 sky lagi Sky 1  
129 moon maasina Moon, month (Bgs) 37, 5  
130 star fetu'u Star (Bgs) 1  
131 cloud word info kokofu Brouillard, vapeur (Gzl) 14  
131 cloud word info ào Cloud 12  
132 fog kokofu Brouillard, vapeur (Gzl) 1  
133 rain 'ua-ina Rain, to rain (Bgs) 1  
134 thunder mana   37  
135 lightning 'uila Lightning (Bgs) 2  
136 wind matagi Wind n 1, 66  
136 wind savili Rough (of sea) by wind 11  
137 to blow word info agi Blow (of wind 8  
137 to blow word info pupusi breeze) 6  
137 to blow word info taili Blow (as a wind instrument) 11  
138 warm word info maafana Warm 1, 72  
139 cold word info makalili Cold, chilly 1, 52  
139 cold word info momoko Cold (Bgs) 10  
140 dry word info masa   11  
140 dry word info maloo   13  
141 wet maaluu Pollex 06: Maaluu. :Damp, wet (Bgs). 123  
141 wet mātu'u damp clothes x  
141 wet vikuviku for the head 10, 48  
141 wet fakasasau by dew    
141 wet taitaia by salted water    
142 heavy mamafa Heavy (Bgs) 46  
143 fire afi Fire 1  
144 to burn word info tutu Set fire to 1, 6  
144 to burn word info susunu   106  
145 smoke word info àu Smoke (Bgs) 2  
145 smoke word info 'afu   2  
145 smoke word info aau-sia Enfume (Mfr) [<] x  
146 ash galafu Ashes (Bgs) 67, 60  
146 ash mugālafu   67, 60  
146 ash lefu Ashes (Mfr) 67  
147 black 'uli Black, dark 7  
148 white tea Blanc, blanche (Gzl) 8  
149 red (soa)soata Red (Gzl) [<] x  
149 red kula Red 13  
149 red mea Reddish 1  
149 red memelo Rouge (Gzl) 1, 16  
150 yellow fefelo Yellow (Bgs) 11  
151 green moto Unripe, green (Bgs) 1, 10  
152 small liliki Small (Bgs) 66  
152 small ìkiìki L likely from Tongan 66 L
153 big lasi Big, great (Bgs) 12  
154 short word info leka Short, dwarfish 8  
155 long word info loa Long 12, 105  
156 thin word info manifi Thin (Bgs) 1  
157 thick word info maatolu Thick (Bgs) 3  
157 thick word info maatotolu (Mfr) 3  
158 narrow kiu   1  
158 narrow lau'iki'iki   84  
159 wide lau-lasi Broad, wide (Bgs) 73, 9  
160 painful, sick mamae Pain 10  
160 painful, sick aleale Feel hungry, sick; nausea (Bgs)    
160 painful, sick masaki Sickness 1  
161 shy, ashamed luma Shame, shameful (Bgs) 4  
161 shy, ashamed maa Ashamed (Bgs) 1  
162 old word info matu'a Pollex 06: Matu`a. :Old (of people). 1  
162 old word info matu'a   1  
163 new fo'ou New 1  
164 good maalie Good (Bgs) 16  
165 bad, evil kino Mauvais (Gzl) 9  
166 correct, true tonu Straight, true, correct (Bgs) 8  
167 night poo/'uli DUP entry x  
167 night poo'uli Night, be night B. [<] 1, 10  
168 day ào Day, daylight (Bgs) 1, 54  
168 day àso Day (period of time) 1, 54  
169 year ta'u Yam season 1  
170 when? word info aafea When? (future) (Bgs) 5  
171 to hide word info mu(muni) Se cacher 1, 67  
172 to climb word info kake Monter, grimper (Gzl) 32  
173 at i   1  
173 at teì(teì) Sur le point de...presque, peu s'en faut, peu peu s'en est fallu (Gzl) [<] x  
173 at i   1  
173 at ki      
174 in, inside loto Inside 5  
175 above àluga Above 9  
175 above àluga Above 9  
176 below lalo Below, under 8  
177 this leinei This (Bgs) 1  
178 that      
179 near nei Pollex 06: Nei. :Here, near speaker. 31  
179 near ofi   45  
180 far mama'o Distant, far off (Bgs) 13  
180 far taumama'o Profond 1, 13  
181 where? word info fea Where? 3, 35  
182 I au First person singular pronoun (Focus) 1, 21  
182 I kau Phrase internal first person singular pronoun (Bgs) 1, 21  
182 I -ku person singular (Possessive) x  
183 thou kee Second person singular preposed subject pronoun (Bgs) 5  
183 thou kee Second person singular preposed subject pronoun(Bgs) 5  
183 thou koe Second person singular, thou 1  
183 thou koe Second person singular, thou 1  
184 he/she ia He, she 1  
185 we word info maa First person dual exclusive preposed pronoun (Bgs) 2  
185 we word info tou First person incl. plural incorporated pronoun (Bgs) 39  
186 you koutou 2nd person plural pronoun (Bgs) (Mfr) 16  
186 you kotou Short form of 2nd person plural pronoun (Bgs) 16  
186 you koulua Second person dual pronoun, you, free form (Bgs) x  
186 you koutou Second person plural pronoun in nu 16  
187 they lāua (dual) x  
187 they (dual) x  
187 they lătou (plural) 1, 72  
187 they lotou (plural) 1, 72  
188 what? word info aa What? 84  
189 who? word info ai Who? 1  
190 other kese   8  
191 all fuli Postposed particle meaning all, every (Bgs) 14  
191 all kaatoa Etre rassemble, etre en complet; tout, tous (determinant nominal) (Mfr) 13  
192 and mo And, together with (Bgs) 9  
193 if pee Pollex 06: Pee. :Like (resembling), or, if (Bgs). 28  
193 if kapau   1  
194 how? word info feefeeàki How? 11, 52  
194 how? word info fefe'eki How? (Bgs) 11, 52  
194 how? word info fefe'aki How? (Bgs) 11, 52  
194 how? word info fefeàki DUP x  
195 no, not leè Not, negativiser (Bgs)    
195 no, not leèai No, not, non-existent (Bgs) x  
195 no, not 'eèai No, not, non-existent. This may be replacing lee`ai (Bgs) x  
195 no, not lèikiai see Not yet (Bgs) x  
195 no, not leeài No (Bgs) 10, 83  
195 no, not see Negativiser (Bgs) 13  
196 to count lau Read, recite (Bgs), Compter 62  
197 One word info tasi One (Bgs) 41  
198 Two word info lua Two 1  
199 Three word info tolu Three (Bgs) 1  
200 Four word info faa Four 1, 66  
201 Five word info lima Five, hand.(Source: Pollex) 1  
202 Six word info ono Six. (Source: Pollex) 1  
203 Seven word info fitu Seven.(Source: Pollex) 1  
204 Eight word info valu Pollex 06: Valu. :Eight. 3  
204 Eight word info valu   3  
205 Nine word info iva Nine.(Source: Pollex) 5, 44  
206 Ten word info kauagafulu Ten.(Source: Pollex) 5  
207 Twenty word info kaulua   5  
208 Fifty word info kaulima   13  
209 One Hundred word info lau Hundred.(Source: Pollex) 2  
209 One Hundred word info kaulelau   2  
210 One Thousand word info afe Thousand (Bgs).(Source: Pollex) 3  

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