: Austronesian : Crows : Bantu :

Language: Rennellese

Source/Author:  POLLEX 2000 (Bruce Biggs & Ross Clark) 
Identifiers:  ISO-639-3:mnv  Glottocode: mung1271 
Data Entry:  Typed By: Simon Greenhill  Checked By: Simon Greenhill 
Classification:  Austronesian:Malayo-Polynesian:Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian:Eastern Malayo-Polynesian:Oceanic:Central-Eastern Oceanic:Remote Oceanic:Central Pacific:East Fijian-Polynesian:Polynesian:Nuclear:Samoic-Outlier:Futunic 


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ID: Word: Item: Annotation: Cognacy: Loan:
1 hand gima Hand, arm, five (Ebt) 1, 64  
2 left sema Left hand, left (Ebt) 11  
3 right maui right 32  
4 leg/foot ba'e Leg, foot (Ebt) 1, 100  
5 to walk sa'ege Go, approach (esp. for sex), advance in battle (Ebt) 6  
6 road/path aga Road 1  
7 to come a'u Come (singular) 44  
8 to turn word info takahugi To turn over something, turn around, turn a corner, turn away (as from sin), repent (Ebt) 15  
9 to swim kakau Swim (Ebt) 5  
10 dirty pagapaga Soft, as spoiled baked fish, soaked geemugi nuts (Ebt) 7  
11 dust pebu dust 1, 74  
11 dust ɣebu dust 1, 74  
12 skin kigi Skin 1  
13 back word info tuʔa back 11  
14 belly manaba Abdomen, navel, navel-cord, breath, fontanel, breathe (Ebt) 9  
15 bone ibi Bone 52, 5  
16 intestines ɣoɣuɣoɣu guts 35  
17 liver àte Liver (Ebt) 1  
18 breast uu Nipple, breast 1  
19 shoulder uma(a) Attachment of shoulder to arm (Ebt) 10  
20 to know, be knowledgeable maatino Realise, know, perceive (Ebt) 17  
20 to know, be knowledgeable ìgoìgo Know, understand, be wise (Ebt) 13  
21 to think maanatu Remember, think, belief (Ebt) 9  
22 to fear mataku Be afraid, cowardly (Ebt) 1  
23 blood toto Blood, sap (Ebt) 4  
24 head poko'ugu Skull 10, 62  
24 head 'ugu Head, hair of the head (Ebt) 1  
25 neck Neck, throat 18  
26 hair word info hugu Body-hair, feathers (Ebt) 31  
27 nose isu- nose, beak, swelling 1  
28 to breathe ngaaekeeke Pant, breathe hard 10  
28 to breathe hakamaanaba Breath 1  
28 to breathe manabaànga Breath, breathing (Ebt) 1  
28 to breathe manaba Breath 1  
29 to sniff, smell puìa Smell, sniff, as from afar (Ebt) 45?  
30 mouth hahanga Mouth 1  
30 mouth ngutu Mouth, beak, orifice 2  
31 tooth niho Tooth (Ebt) 1  
32 tongue àgego Tongue 15  
33 to laugh kata Laugh v, ridicule, deride (Ebt) 7  
34 to cry tangi Cry, weep, sound, ring (Ebt) 1  
35 to vomit gua Throw up, vomit (Ebt) (*l > g regular - JL) 8  
36 to spit ŋaʔesu spit 17  
37 to eat kai Food, eat 1, 47  
38 to chew word info ngau Chew, as pandanus, sugar-cane, betel nut; bite (Ebt) 8  
39 to cook word info ta'o Cook in any way except over an open fire (Ebt) 10  
40 to drink binu-mia Drink (Ebt) 1, 74  
41 to bite uʔu bite 8  
42 to suck miti Suck or draw in (Ebt) 8  
42 to suck umi Suck, hold in mouth (Ebt) 12  
43 ear taginga Ear (Ebt) 1  
44 to hear goŋo News, report, message, hear, listen, feel, taste (Ebt) 1  
45 eye mata Eye, face (Ebt) 1  
46 to see kite Look, see, find (Ebt) 1  
46 to see mata Look at 8  
47 to yawn mamaba Yawn 19  
47 to yawn mababa Yawn 19  
48 to sleep moe Sleep, lie down, have sex (Ebt) 10, 109  
49 to lie down word info moe Sleep, lie down, have sex (Ebt) 6  
50 to dream miti Dream, to dream (Ebt) 36  
51 to sit noho Stay, live, sit, exist; to be left (Ebt) 16  
52 to stand tu'u Stand, upright, to be 2  
53 person/human being tangata Man, male, person (Ebt) 1, 66, 97  
54 man/male tangata Man, male, person (Ebt) 12, 14  
55 woman/female hahine Woman 1, 106  
55 woman/female -hine Female 1, 41  
56 child tama Child, son of a female (Ebt) 6  
56 child tamagiki Children (Ebt) 6, 63  
56 child tamaìtiìti Child, infant, baby (Ebt) 6, 64  
57 husband matuà Husband, family head; become old, mature (Ebt) 36  
58 wife higimatuà Wife (Ebt) 5?, 9  
58 wife hiimatuà Wife (Ebt) 5, 9  
59 mother tinana Mother, have a mother (Ebt) 1  
60 father tamana Elbert (p. 284) 1  
61 house hage House, hut, building (Ebt) 14  
62 thatch/roof àto Thatch, to thatch (Ebt) 1  
63 name ingoa Name, expression, to be named (Ebt) 6  
64 to say heŋgeu say 48  
65 rope tauga Rope, line, to tie (Ebt) 9  
66 to tie up, fasten ha'u To tie, lash, as with sinnet 11  
66 to tie up, fasten nati tie v 13  
66 to tie up, fasten noà Tie, bind (Ebt) 15  
67 to sew word info tui Sew, string together, awl (Ebt) 13, 16  
68 needle au Tattooing needle (Ebt) 1  
68 needle lagu Wing bone of flying-fox, (sewing) needle B. (Bst.1987)    
68 needle sika Net needle (Ebt) 9  
69 to hunt word info ihoʔaki hunt 14  
70 to shoot word info hana Shoot, as arrow, bow, speargun (Ebt) 1  
71 to stab, pierce soka Pierce 67  
71 to stab, pierce suki Pierce, puncture, sting (Ebt) 1, 8  
72 to hit word info paa Strike, touch, hit, slap, bat (Ebt) 13  
72 to hit word info pakia Hit (Ebt) 6  
72 to hit word info sasa Slash grass 12  
72 to hit word info taa Hit, strike, cut, kill (Ebt) 10  
72 to hit word info tuki Beat, strike, pound, smash (Ebt) 8  
73 to steal kaiaà Steal, rob, commit adultery (Ebt) 7  
74 to kill taa Hit, strike, cut, kill (Ebt) 8  
75 to die, be dead mate Be dead, dying, faint, unconscious (Ebt) 1  
76 to live, be alive ma'ugi Life, alive, soul, skull, in good health (Ebt) 1, 76  
77 to scratch word info aŋgaaŋga scratch 29  
78 to cut, hack word info koti Cut, clip 9  
78 to cut, hack word info motu Break, sever,as a string (Ebt) 54, 14  
78 to cut, hack word info sege Cut, slice, butcher, circumcise (Ebt) 16  
79 stick/wood gaàkau Tree, bush, shrub, log, stick (Ebt) 1, 26  
80 to split word info hahaʔa split 5, 96  
81 sharp kakai To be sharp 14  
81 sharp hakakaa Sharpen 14, 15  
82 dull, blunt paluɣa blunt 50  
83 to work word info haihekau work 26  
84 to plant      
85 to choose higi Choose, select, vote (Ebt) 1  
86 to grow word info somo Grow, as small new branches on tree (Ebt) 7  
86 to grow word info tupu Sprout, grow; growth (Ebt) 1  
86 to grow word info malubu To grow, sprout B. (Bst) 1?  
87 to swell word info huhuga swell up, be swollen 7  
88 to squeeze word info gomi Press a little (Ebt) 10  
88 to squeeze word info kukumi Clench, squeeze, shut, as scissors (Ebt) 14  
89 to hold word info pipiki hold 56  
89 to hold word info ʔoso hold    
90 to dig kegi Dig v, especially tubers (Ebt) 1  
91 to buy tauì Sell, buy, barter, pay, trade (Ebt) 9, 13  
92 to open, uncover huke Source ACD: to open, as an oven; to dig out, as a canoe 1, 63  
93 to pound, beat word info tuki Beat, strike, pound, smash (Ebt) 2  
94 to throw word info tupe   66  
95 to fall word info too To fall, descend, swoop, alight (Ebt) 14  
96 dog kugi Dog 7  
97 bird manu Fauna except human beings (Ebt) 1  
98 egg hua fruit, nut, seed, bulbil, berry; egg, 5  
99 feather pala Feather 5  
100 wing kapakau Wing (Ebt) 1, 59  
101 to fly eba Soar (Ebt) 12  
101 to fly gege Jump, fly, leap, swing (Ebt) 11  
102 rat kioge Rat 12  
103 meat/flesh kano Flesh or meat of anything; substance (Ebt) 14  
104 fat/grease ngako Fat, grease, pus (Ebt) 14  
104 fat/grease sinusinu Greasy, fat, rich 12  
105 tail siku tail 13  
106 snake ngata Pacific Boa 12  
107 worm (earthworm) sugati Earthworm (Ebt) 1, 8  
108 louse word info kutu Louse (Ebt) 1  
109 mosquito namu Mosquito (Ebt) 1  
110 spider gaba Spider (Ebt). B. [<] 1  
111 fish ika Source ACD: Fish, turtle 1  
112 rotten word info paga Rotten, as taro (Ebt) 13  
112 rotten word info popo Rotten, as wood or teeth (Ebt) 14  
113 branch word info gaà Branch 1  
113 branch word info gaàkau Tree, bush, shrub, log, stick (Ebt) 1, 4  
114 leaf gau Leaf, bark, as of hibiscus (Ebt) 1  
115 root paìaà Roots 2  
116 flower laka flower 38  
117 fruit hua Fruit, nut, seed, bulbil, berry, egg (Ebt) 1  
118 grass mutie General name for grasses (Ebt) 13  
119 earth/soil kege Earth, ground, dirt, land, soil, world (Ebt) 10  
120 stone hatu Stone, rock, coral (Ebt) 1  
120 stone balu- Fossilised prefix to several types of stone B. (Bst.1987 1  
121 sand 'one Sand, sand or rubble beach (Ebt) 1  
122 water word info bai Water 2  
123 to flow tahe Float, drift (Ebt) 10  
124 sea moana Sea beyond the reef, ocean (Ebt) 10  
124 sea tai Ocean, lake, saltwater (Ebt) 1  
125 salt tai (salt water) 20  
126 lake gano Lake (Ebt) 1  
126 lake goto Lagoon inside reef (Ebt) 6  
127 woods/forest 'ugu Garden or planted clump of plants, trees (Ebt) 15  
127 woods/forest bao Forest, Forest area (Ebt) 14  
128 sky gangi Sky 1  
129 moon maa-sina Moon, month (Ebt) 37, 5  
130 star hetu'u Star, constellation (Ebt) 1  
131 cloud word info ào Cloud 12  
132 fog kohu Emit smoke or steam (Ebt) 1, 47  
133 rain 'ua Rain n, rain v (Ebt) 1  
134 thunder hatutigi Thunder, thunderbolt (Ebt) 14  
134 thunder mana   37  
135 lightning gapa To flash, as lightning 9  
136 wind matangi Wind n, weather, position of wind, eastern (Ebt) 1, 66  
137 to blow word info angi Blow (of wind, breeze) (Ebt) 8  
137 to blow word info pusi Blow, as flute or the wind (Ebt) 6  
137 to blow word info taigi Blow gently 8  
138 warm word info mahana Be warm, as food (Ebt) 1, 72  
139 cold word info makagigi Somewhat cold, as food (Ebt) 1, 52  
140 dry word info maamala To dry or be dry (Bst.1987) 1  
140 dry word info magoo Dead or dry, as leaves (Ebt) 13  
141 wet sūʔia wet 11  
142 heavy mamaha Heavy, imperfect, poor, sad, (Ebt) 46  
143 fire ahi Fire (Ebt) 1  
144 to burn word info tuungia To be burned or on fire (Ebt) 1, 7  
144 to burn word info tutu Ignite, light (Ebt) 1, 6  
145 smoke word info àuahi Smoke 2  
145 smoke word info àuahi Smoke (Ebt) 2  
145 smoke word info kohu Emit smoke or steam (Ebt) 13  
146 ash gehu Ashes (Ebt) 67  
147 black 'ugi Black, dark blue, brown, darkish colour, dirty (Ebt) 7  
148 white tea White, light-coloured (Ebt) 8  
149 red kuga Red 13  
149 red mea Red, reddish, very angry (Ebt) 1  
150 yellow hegohego Be yellow (Ebt) 11  
150 yellow sengasenga Yellowish-red, as a pimple or a boil 12  
151 green moto Green and nearly fully formed 1, 10  
152 small ìtiìti Be small, not much (Ebt) 1  
152 small giki Small 66  
152 small poto/poto Short x  
153 big hua'eha (Ebt) 13  
153 big 'eha Big (Ebt) 13  
153 big gau'eha Wide (Ebt) 13  
154 short word info leka Small portion, to be small 8  
154 short word info potopoto Short 9  
154 short word info puku To be short (Ebt) 3  
155 long word info goa Length, tallness (Ebt) 12, 105  
156 thin word info maanihi Be thin (general term) (Ebt) 1  
157 thick word info maatogu Thick, as a knife or a mat, crowded (Ebt) 3  
158 narrow 'omi      
159 wide      
160 painful, sick mamae Hurt v,pain (Ebt) 10  
160 painful, sick masaki Sickness, sick person (Ebt) 1  
161 shy, ashamed maa Ashamed 1  
162 old word info matuʔa old (person) 1  
162 old word info tauiku old (person) 44  
162 old word info poepoe old (thing) x  
162 old word info bebe old (thing) x  
163 new ho'ou New, fresh (Ebt) 1  
164 good ŋgaoi good 58  
165 bad, evil māseʔi bad 42  
165 bad, evil soŋo bad    
166 correct, true tonu Correct, right, satisfactory (Ebt) 8  
167 night poo Night, become night (Ebt) 1  
168 day ào Day, daylight (Ebt) 1, 54  
168 day àso Time, day, season (Ebt) 1, 54  
169 year ta'u Season (Ebt) 1  
170 when? word info ʔaso hea when? 27, 5  
171 to hide word info mumuni Hide (intransitive) 1, 67  
172 to climb word info kake Climb up (Ebt) 32  
173 at i At (preposed particle) 1  
174 in, inside goto Inside, interior, centre, lagoon inside reef (Ebt) 5  
175 above àgunga Above 9  
176 below gago Below, under (Ebt) 8  
177 this ia Source- ACD: demonstrative: this, that, there, another,    
178 that ia Source- ACD: demonstrative: this, that, there, another, 1  
179 near hitaiaki near 43  
180 far mama'o Be far, distant (Ebt) 13  
181 where? word info hea Which? what? where? (Ebt) 3, 35  
182 I au First person singular pronoun (Focus) 1, 21  
182 I kau Portmanteau pronoun, first person singular I (Ebt) [<] x  
182 I -ku First person singular (Possessive) x  
183 thou koe Second person singular, thou 1  
183 thou koe Second person singular, thou 1  
184 he/she ia He, she 1  
185 we word info kitaaua First person dual inclusive marker (Ebt) 1  
185 we word info kimaaua First person dual exclusive preposed pronoun (Ebt) [<] 2  
186 you kougua Second person dual pronoun, you (Ebt) x  
186 you koutou You, plural (Ebt) 16  
187 they kiŋgāua they (3du) x  
187 they kiŋgatou they (3pl) 1, 19  
188 what? word info aa What? (Ebt) 84  
189 who? word info ai Who? 1  
190 other gaa There, some, other (Ebt) 25  
191 all hugi All, everyone, freely, do unanimously (Ebt) 14  
191 all kaatoa All, everyone, entire (Ebt) 13  
192 and ma And 2  
193 if poi if 18  
194 how? word info pehea How? 11  
195 no, not siai no 10, 84  
195 no, not siʔai no 10, 83  
196 to count tau Count, enumerate (Ebt) 8  
197 One word info tasi One (Ebt) 41  
197 One word info tahi   x  
198 Two word info gua Two, second, twice (Ebt) 1  
199 Three word info togu Three, third (Ebt) 1  
200 Four word info haa Four 1, 66  
201 Five word info gima Hand, arm, five (Ebt).(Source: Pollex) 1  
202 Six word info ono six 1  
203 Seven word info hitu Seven, seventh (Ebt).(Source: Pollex) 1  
204 Eight word info baŋgu eight 3  
205 Nine word info iba Nine (Ebt).(Source: Pollex) 5, 44  
206 Ten word info angahugu Ten.(Source: Pollex) 5  
207 Twenty word info      
208 Fifty word info      
209 One Hundred word info gau One hundred (Ebt).(Source: Pollex) 2  
210 One Thousand word info ahe A thousand (pairs of yams etc.) (Ebt), A thousand counting units (Ebt)..(Source: Pollex) 3  
210 One Thousand word info mano A thousand (pairs of yams etc.) (Ebt), A thousand counting units (Ebt)..(Source: Pollex) 2  

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