: Austronesian : Crows : Bantu :

Language: Tomoip

Source/Author:  Barlow 2024; Barlow & Killian 2023a, b; Grace 1955; Parkinson 1907; Ross 1977-1982 
Identifiers:  ISO-639-3:tqp  Glottocode: tomo1244 
Notes:  Barlow, Russell. 2024. Tomoip morphological sketch. Language and Linguistics in Melanesia 42: 41–93.

Barlow, Russell, and Don Killian. 2023a. Tomoip wordlist: Based on elicitation sessions with Simon Mangil from Milim village, recorded in Kokopo, East New Britain, October to November 2022 (v1.0.2).

Barlow, Russell, and Don Killian. 2023b. Tomoip phonetics and phonology. Te Reo 66(1): 60–96.

Grace, George W. 1955. Columbia University notebook, pt. 3. In The George Grace linguistic research and slides of Melanesia collection, 1955–1956: Online documents. Unpublished MS.

Parkinson, Richard. 1907. Dreißig Jahre in der Südsee: Land und Leute, Sitten und Gebräuche im Bismarckarchipel und auf den deutschen Salomoinseln. Stuttgart: Strecker & Schröder.

Ross, Malcolm. 1977–1982. Konomala Mamusi Uvol Tomoip. XWAV/MPEG/PDF/TIFF/JPEG. MR1-012 at 
Data Entry:  Typed By: Russell Barlow  Checked By: Russell Barlow 
Classification:  Austronesian:Malayo-Polynesian:Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian:Eastern Malayo-Polynesian:Oceanic:Western Oceanic:Meso Melanesian:New Ireland 
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ID: Word: Item: Annotation: Cognacy: Loan:
1 hand lalma < *la-lma; /la-/ = class term for baskets, open things    
1 hand gua from Ross: <guan>    
2 left miromi      
3 right mirote      
4 leg/foot kia      
5 to walk ra-del 'to walk'; < /del/ 'grass'    
5 to walk pu 'to go'    
5 to walk n 'to go, to come'    
6 road/path n-sal      
7 to come n 'to go, to come'    
7 to come pi      
8 to turn word info muŋ same form as 'far'    
9 to swim haha of people    
9 to swim tum of fish    
9 to swim manmana 'to float'; reduplication    
9 to swim kelkel 'to float'; from Grace: <kɛlkɛl> 'float'    
10 dirty nek 'trash, garbage; dirty'    
10 dirty totoŋ from Grace: <totoŋ> 'dirty'; = 'black'    
11 dust simui 'dust, fog'    
12 skin pel to-      
12 skin pla e-      
13 back word info kap lo-      
14 belly buhe lo-      
15 bone kinto      
16 intestines kebi e-      
16 intestines kaedi 'liver'? ~ 'guts'?    
17 liver kaedi 'liver'? ~ 'guts'?    
17 liver ber 'lung'? = 'white'?    
18 breast buti < *buŋ-ti; /buŋ-/ = class term for round things    
18 breast ti from Grace; Ross    
19 shoulder βolha      
19 shoulder βoloha      
19 shoulder βaŋha      
19 shoulder em from Grace: <ɛm> 'shoulder'    
19 shoulder be lo- 'armpit'    
20 to know, be knowledgeable ri-ŋoma- < ŋoma- 'eye'    
20 to know, be knowledgeable ri-ŋom to- < ŋom to- 'eye'    
20 to know, be knowledgeable ru-ŋom ta- from Ross: <i rungomtan>    
20 to know, be knowledgeable ro-ŋom to- from Grace: <taroŋomtɔ>    
20 to know, be knowledgeable mana 'knowledge, wisdom; custom, tradition; heart (metaphorical) (?)'; loan from Kol?   L?
21 to think βa-non with causative prefix?    
21 to think mana from Grace    
22 to fear kuam      
23 blood motom      
24 head bla lo-      
25 neck delkua < /del[i/a]/ 'mouth, face'?    
25 neck pore 'throat'    
25 neck kero 'nape'    
25 neck to lo- 'collarbone'    
26 hair word info ʝu      
27 nose blodu-      
28 to breathe ŋala      
28 to breathe ŋoro 'to snore'    
29 to sniff, smell koru      
29 to sniff, smell loŋe from Ross; Grace: <loŋe·> ~ <lɔŋɛ·>    
30 mouth deli e- 'mouth, lower face'    
30 mouth dela 'mouth, lower face'    
31 tooth nio      
32 tongue tom lo-      
33 to laugh ŋiŋ      
34 to cry rpek      
35 to vomit boro      
36 to spit lodi      
37 to eat in      
38 to chew word info mam      
38 to chew word info ŋaŋ      
39 to cook word info mom 'to burn'; 'to roast, to cook'    
39 to cook word info βitir 'to boil'; same form as 'to squeeze'    
39 to cook word info βulβul 'to boil'; reduplication; from Grace: <bulbuli̯e> ~ <vulvuli̯e>    
39 to cook word info kare 'to fry'    
39 to cook word info to-ŋ-hum 'to bake in an earth oven'; /to/ 'to do, to make' + /ŋ-hum/ 'earth oven'    
40 to drink unun reduplication    
41 to bite ha      
42 to suck titi reduplication of *ti 'breast'    
43 ear palieŋ      
44 to hear βa-loŋ with causative prefix?    
44 to hear loŋ from Grace: <taloŋ> ; Ross: <i melong>    
45 eye ŋoma      
45 eye ŋom to- /ŋom ta-/ for 3SG    
46 to see so      
47 to yawn mama      
47 to yawn ŋa      
48 to sleep ler      
49 to lie down word info le~ler < /ler/ 'to sleep', reduplication    
50 to dream ʝamleŋ      
51 to sit dun      
52 to stand deltu      
53 person/human being me-kileŋ same form as 'correct, true' (with prefix /me-/)?    
53 person/human being muor found in /de-muor/ 'one', for counting people    
54 man/male nobuŋ 'young man, older boy'    
54 man/male horek plural of /nobuŋ/ 'man'    
54 man/male lami 'older man, husband'    
55 woman/female nolo 'young woman, older girl'    
55 woman/female holo plural of /nolo/ 'woman'    
55 woman/female pulo 'older woman, wife'    
55 woman/female me-teβin 'female'; from Grace: <metevin>    
56 child dukum      
56 child n-alum      
56 child korate      
56 child kotik      
56 child herek plural of /kotik/ 'child'    
56 child n-alpu-n      
57 husband lami      
58 wife pulo      
59 mother tena-      
59 mother no      
59 mother anno      
60 father mimma      
60 father memma from Ross: <memman>    
60 father ma      
60 father amma      
61 house bale      
61 house dono      
62 thatch/roof para pandanus sp. used for thatch roofs    
62 thatch/roof bla lo bale 'head of house'    
62 thatch/roof kupel from Grace: <kupɛl> ‘roof’    
62 thatch/roof rurdi from Ross: 'thatch (for roof)'    
63 name sae- or /sa e-/ ?    
64 to say muŋ 'to turn, to say'    
64 to say utor 'to speak'    
65 rope hoa 'vine, rope'    
66 to tie up, fasten rar      
67 to sew word info soŋ      
68 needle diŋ 'thorn, needle'    
68 needle ŋaerap 'vine with thorns used to make needles'    
69 to hunt word info pa 'to hunt, to catch'    
69 to hunt word info kolo-n 'to hunt, to seek'    
70 to shoot word info kon      
71 to stab, pierce kon 'to shoot, to stab'    
71 to stab, pierce tul 'to hit with a stick'    
71 to stab, pierce turua 'to stab'; from Grace    
72 to hit word info lap 'to hit, to beat'    
72 to hit word info tul 'to hit with a stick'    
73 to steal luaŋ      
73 to steal kairarik      
74 to kill him      
74 to kill mamade from Grace    
75 to die, be dead mer 'to die'    
75 to die, be dead made 'to be dead'    
76 to live, be alive βaneban causative prefix /βa-/ ?; with /ne=ban/ ‘the light’, i.e., ‘to cause the light’?    
76 to live, be alive goa 'to stay'    
77 to scratch word info kariŋ same form as 'woods, forest'    
78 to cut, hack word info kombua-n      
79 stick/wood he 'stick'    
79 stick/wood ka- class term for long things, trees, plants    
79 stick/wood uβe 'tree, stick'; < POc *upe 'seedling'; Oceanic loan?   L?
80 to split word info siŋ      
81 sharp me-in      
82 dull, blunt indum /in-dum/ ?    
83 to work word info ro      
84 to plant βa      
85 to choose kae      
86 to grow word info mar      
87 to swell word info laŋ      
88 to squeeze word info raŋ cf. /raŋsi/ ‘to twist’ in Grace    
88 to squeeze word info hamer cf. /ham/ 'to braid' in Grace    
88 to squeeze word info lumbumbum from Grace    
88 to squeeze word info βitir same form as 'to boil'    
89 to hold word info luŋ      
89 to hold word info luŋ-mo      
90 to dig lil      
90 to dig lop from Grace: <lɔp>    
91 to buy tomae      
92 to open, uncover konene      
92 to open, uncover βa-βtal from Grace: <vavtal> ; with causative prefix?    
93 to pound, beat word info tutoro-n      
94 to throw word info robel 'to pelt'    
94 to throw word info ʝumani from Grace: <i̯umani>    
95 to fall word info tur      
95 to fall word info lko      
95 to fall word info bu of rain    
96 dog ne-pap      
97 bird m-men      
98 egg hotel      
99 feather ʝu lo m-men 'hair of the bird'    
99 feather la-men      
99 feather ho-men from Ross: <homen>    
100 wing kube lo-      
101 to fly rbe      
102 rat m-me 'rat, bandicoot'    
102 rat ʝaŋa 'bandicoot'    
103 meat/flesh burho      
103 meat/flesh rakabuk 'meat, animal'    
104 fat/grease punon      
104 fat/grease ediu from Grace: <ɛdiu>    
104 fat/grease hediu from Ross    
105 tail piuk      
105 tail pelpel 'fishtail'; reduplication    
106 snake gelem      
106 snake mosum snake species, 'python'    
107 worm (earthworm) bieŋ      
107 worm (earthworm) morbieŋ      
107 worm (earthworm) murkun from Ross    
108 louse word info ŋ-kur on humans    
108 louse word info mnor on dogs; 'flea'?    
108 louse word info n-le nit, louse egg    
109 mosquito ramua      
109 mosquito makinkini from Grace    
110 spider koluak < POc *lawaq; Oceanic loan?   L?
111 fish m-pe      
112 rotten word info me-muriu 'soft, rotten'    
112 rotten word info me-u 'smelly'    
113 branch word info pe-he-      
113 branch word info pe- loan from Lote [pɛr-] 'arm, branch' or Kol [pɛr] 'hand'?   L?
113 branch word info he 'stick'    
113 branch word info ra-he from Grace: <rahɛ>    
114 leaf ro      
114 leaf ra-ro      
114 leaf ra- class term for leaves    
115 root bul-he 'root; cassava'; < *buŋ-he ?    
115 root buol 'root; cassava'    
115 root krie 'buttress root'    
115 root pto 'buttress root'    
116 flower dum-he decorative flowers, croton, purpur    
116 flower rum from Grace    
116 flower tete from Ross; reduplication    
116 flower rihi 'palm flower'    
117 fruit kure 'seed, fruit'    
117 fruit mita 'fruit, innards'; loan from Sulka?   L?
117 fruit buŋ- class term for fruits, round things, bunches    
118 grass del      
118 grass mali 'sword grass, kunai'    
118 grass ŋapa 'cane grass, pitpit'    
119 earth/soil n-dan      
119 earth/soil e-tan plural; 'plots of land'?    
120 stone m-per      
121 sand ŋ-kin      
121 sand n-kin      
122 water word info n-uʝe      
123 to flow lakap 'to run, to flow'    
124 sea nde 'sea, salt'; < /n-te/    
125 salt nde 'sea, salt'; < /n-te/    
125 salt ke salt made from ashes    
125 salt toŋ-ke salt made from ashes; literally 'black salt'?    
126 lake liep      
127 woods/forest ledel < /del/ 'grass'?    
127 woods/forest burdel      
127 woods/forest kariŋ same form as 'to scratch'    
128 sky hiam or /heam/    
128 sky heam or /hiam/    
129 moon kaŋ loan from Sulka?   L?
129 moon m-pu archaic; found in /motom mpu/ 'menses'    
130 star mamar 'firefly; star'    
130 star notu from Grace: <nɔtu>    
130 star ŋotu from Ross: <ngotu>    
131 cloud word info βarhek      
131 cloud word info gomil      
131 cloud word info iga      
132 fog simui 'dust, fog'    
132 fog nigene from Grace: <nigɛnɛ> ; loan from Kol?   L
133 rain ner singular    
133 rain her plural    
134 thunder kuluŋ      
134 thunder hiablab from Grace; = 'sky hits'?    
134 thunder ner lap from Ross; = 'rain hits'?    
135 lightning msiŋ      
135 lightning barap from Grace    
135 lightning ner ti-m-siŋ from Ross: <ner timsing>; 'rain cuts'?    
136 wind iluk 'wind; heart'    
137 to blow word info pip      
137 to blow word info pidi from Grace: <pidi'>    
138 warm word info tenten reduplication    
138 warm word info norban 'fever'    
139 cold word info guluaŋ      
139 cold word info gon 'cold place, ice'    
140 dry word info te-kie      
140 dry word info me-muo from Ross; Grace <memuo̯>    
140 dry word info me-ma [mma]    
141 wet mulmultin reduplication    
141 wet me-muk from Ross: <memuk>    
142 heavy mamsie suffix /-sie/ ?    
143 fire n-ʝu      
144 to burn word info mom transitive; 'to burn, to cook'    
144 to burn word info in intransitive; 'to eat; to burn'    
145 smoke word info burmil      
146 ash ŋ-ho      
147 black to-toŋ reduplication?    
147 black toŋ      
147 black kere from Grace; 'black; all'; loan from Kol?   L?
148 white me-bir      
149 red me-mia [memia ~ mmia]    
150 yellow laliaŋ      
151 green me-βalop      
151 green mole      
152 small kakae      
152 small rek      
153 big me-pur      
154 short word info komkom reduplication    
155 long word info me-geŋ same form as 'far'    
156 thin word info rara reduplication of *ra 'leaf'?    
157 thick word info me-tum      
158 narrow kout      
158 narrow kurper diminutive prefix /kur-/ ?    
158 narrow me-golgol from Grace: <mɛgɔlgɔl>; reduplication; loan from Sulka?   L?
159 wide suku      
159 wide βaha      
159 wide poli from Grace    
160 painful, sick kaka 'sick'; reduplication?    
160 painful, sick kinkin 'ache'?; reduplication?    
160 painful, sick loban 'pain'; 'moan'?    
160 painful, sick maeli ‘pain’; from Grace: <mae̯li> ‘pain’    
161 shy, ashamed kile 'to be ashamed'    
162 old word info tomuŋ cf. /muŋ/ ‘far’    
162 old word info tonoru      
162 old word info βar old person    
163 new koloŋa      
163 new me-marmar from Grace: <memarmar> ; = 'sweet'?; reduplication    
164 good me-pka      
164 good te-pka      
165 bad, evil me-blik      
166 correct, true kiliŋ      
167 night m-beŋ      
168 day ŋ-ha 'sun, day'    
169 year hona      
170 when? word info tem la n-ua /tem/ < Tok Pisin 'time'   L
170 when? word info m-la n-ua abbreviated form of /tem la n-ua/ ?   L
170 when? word info lo ŋ-ha n-ua 'at the-day the-where?'?    
171 to hide word info ra intransitive    
171 to hide word info βin transitive    
172 to climb word info mar 'to grow, to climb'    
172 to climb word info luŋa      
173 at lo      
173 at au-      
174 in, inside au-si      
174 in, inside mo-si      
174 in, inside si      
175 above au-ʝali      
176 below au-ŋa βa      
176 below au-ŋa      
176 below βa-den 'bottom'    
177 this ni proximal    
177 this ani proximal    
177 this neni proximal    
178 that na medial    
178 that ana medial    
178 that nena medial    
178 that ŋa distal    
178 that ŋam distal    
178 that neŋa distal    
178 that neŋam distal    
178 that aŋa distal    
178 that βarie distal    
179 near tasiek      
180 far me-geŋ same form as 'long'    
180 far muŋ same form as 'to turn, to say'    
181 where? word info ua      
181 where? word info au ua      
181 where? word info ne ua      
181 where? word info go ua 'to stay where?'    
182 I ʝo      
183 thou i-ke      
184 he/she i      
184 he/she bita from Parkinson; Grace: <mbita>    
185 we word info i-kem 1PL.EXCL    
185 we word info kusier 1PL.INCL    
185 we word info i-ka 1DU.EXCL    
185 we word info kuta 1DU.INCL    
186 you i-kom 2PL    
186 you i-kuma 2DU    
187 they ti 3PL    
187 they toro 3DU    
188 what? word info mene      
188 what? word info boka      
188 what? word info a- found in /a-mo(r)/ 'who?'?    
189 who? word info a-mo      
189 who? word info a-mor 'what person?'?    
190 other bara ?    
190 other detu ? /de-tu/ ?; part of 'three'; 'one-other'?    
190 other βadik 'other, another'    
190 other a-si 'some, something, other'?; < POc *sai 'who?'?    
191 all birbir reduplication: 'white-white'    
191 all kere from Grace; 'black; all'; loan from Kol?   L?
192 and mo      
192 and na loan from Tok Pisin?   L?
193 if ke from Grace; = 'thou'?    
193 if to ?    
194 how? word info kone      
195 no, not ka      
196 to count βa-ho with causative prefix?    
197 One word info de-nan for counting things: 'one-that'?    
197 One word info de-muor for counting people    
197 One word info de-buŋ for counting fruit    
197 One word info de-      
198 Two word info horo      
198 Two word info ro dual marker    
199 Three word info horo-m-detu 'two-and-another'?    
200 Four word info horo mo horo 'two and two'    
201 Five word info liem loan?; retention of 'five', despite change in form of 'hand' and loss of 'three' and 'four'?   L?
201 Five word info ko liem from Grace: <ko lie̯m> ~ <kolie̯m>; /ko/ = ‘fist’?; /liem/ a loan?   L?
202 Six word info horo mo denan ad hoc formulation?; 'two and one'?    
202 Six word info denan ua denan ad hoc formulation?; 'one below one'?    
202 Six word info liem denan ad hoc formulation?; 'five one'?; /liem/ a loan?   L?
202 Six word info denan-ken      
202 Six word info liem denan mo denan from Ross; 'five one and one'; /liem/ a loan?   L?
203 Seven word info liem horo ad hoc formulation?; 'five two'; /liem/ a loan?   L?
203 Seven word info horu-ken from Grace: <hɔrukɛn>; ‘two again’?    
204 Eight word info liem horo-m-detu ad hoc formulation?; 'five two-and-another'?; /liem/ a loan?   L?
204 Eight word info horu-m-detu-ken from Grace: <hɔrumdetukɛn>; ‘two-and-another again’?    
205 Nine word info liem horo mo horo ad hoc formulation?; 'five two and two'; /liem/ a loan?   L?
205 Nine word info horu-horu-ken      
205 Nine word info liem denan mo horo mo horo from Ross; 'five one and two and two'; /liem/ a loan?   L?
206 Ten word info ro-liem ad hoc formulation?; 'two five'; /liem/ a loan?   L?
206 Ten word info ro-liem horo ad hoc formulation?; 'two five two'; /liem/ a loan?   L?
206 Ten word info liem denan ad hoc formulation?; 'five one'; /liem/ a loan?   L?
206 Ten word info timdel from Grace; = 'it is a part'?    
206 Ten word info ro-liem kere from Ross: <roliem kere> ; 'two-five all'; /liem/ a loan?   L?
206 Ten word info liem from Parkinson: <līem> ; ‘five’; loan?   L?
207 Twenty word info ro-liem horo mo horo ad hoc formulation?; 'two five two and two'; /liem/ a loan?   L?
207 Twenty word info e liem horo mo horo ad hoc formulation?; 'PL five two and two'; /liem/ a loan?   L?
207 Twenty word info ro-m-ro tamdel      
207 Twenty word info tamdil from Parkinson; 'it is a part'?    
208 Fifty word info liem from Grace: <lie̯m> ; ad hoc formulation?; ‘five’; loan?   L?
209 One Hundred word info ro-m-ro tamdel      
210 One Thousand word info me-utu 'many'; no known word for 1,000    

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