: Austronesian : Crows : Bantu :

Language: Melayu Ambon

Source/Author:  Ot Kakerissa 
Identifiers:  ISO-639-3:abs  Glottocode: ambo1250 
Data Entry:  Typed By: Peng Du  Checked By: Simon Greenhill 
Classification:  Austronesian:Malayo-Polynesian:Malayo-Chamic:Malayic:Malay 


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ID: Word: Item: Annotation: Cognacy: Loan:
1 hand taŋaŋ   18  
2 left kiri   1, 42  
3 right kanaŋ   1, 73  
4 leg/foot kaki   1, 32  
5 to walk bajalaŋ   21  
6 road/path jalaŋ   1  
7 to come dataŋ   14  
8 to turn word info meŋo   30  
9 to swim barnaŋ   23  
10 dirty badaki   1  
11 dust abu   31  
12 skin kuli   1  
13 back word info puŋuŋ   24  
14 belly poro      
15 bone tulaŋ   1  
16 intestines usus   24  
17 liver hati   1  
18 breast susu   1  
19 shoulder bahu   17  
20 to know, be knowledgeable tau   1  
21 to think bapikir loan of 22? 22  
22 to fear taku   1  
23 blood dara   1  
24 head kapala Skt kapala 'skull' 45 L
25 neck lɛhɛr   1  
26 hair word info rambut   20  
27 nose idoŋ   1  
28 to breathe banapas   29  
29 to sniff, smell cioŋ   20  
30 mouth mulu   27  
31 tooth gigi   17  
32 tongue lida metathesis 4, 31  
33 to laugh tatawa   1  
34 to cry manaŋis   1  
35 to vomit munta   1  
36 to spit luda   1  
37 to eat makaŋ   1  
38 to chew word info kuña   16  
39 to cook word info mamasa   19  
40 to drink minɔŋ   1  
41 to bite gigi   21  
42 to suck isap   1  
43 ear taliŋa   1  
44 to hear deŋar   1  
45 eye mata   1  
46 to see lia check that this is not mistyped, check final t? if so 24    
47 to yawn maŋuap   1  
48 to sleep sono      
49 to lie down word info talantaŋ      
50 to dream mimpi   1  
51 to sit duduk   35  
52 to stand badiri   1  
53 person/human being oraŋ   20  
54 man/male laki-laki   2  
55 woman/female perempuan   29  
56 child anak(ana)   1  
57 husband laki   28  
58 wife bini   5  
59 mother mama   5  
59 mother mai   5  
60 father papa   48  
60 father pai   48  
61 house ruma   1  
62 thatch/roof atap   1  
63 name nama   12  
64 to say bilaŋ      
65 rope tali   1  
66 to tie up, fasten ika   1  
67 to sew word info manjai   2  
68 needle jarɔŋ   1  
69 to hunt word info mancari      
70 to shoot word info pasaŋ      
71 to stab, pierce tikaŋ   31?  
72 to hit word info pukol   27  
73 to steal mancuri   19  
74 to kill bunu   1  
75 to die, be dead mati   1  
76 to live, be alive hidop   1  
77 to scratch word info garu   55  
78 to cut, hack word info potɔŋ      
79 stick/wood kaiju   1  
80 to split word info bála   1  
81 sharp tajaŋ   1  
82 dull, blunt tumpul   3  
83 to work word info kárja   23  
84 to plant taŋaŋ   2  
85 to choose pili   1  
86 to grow word info tumbu   1  
87 to swell word info baŋka   19  
88 to squeeze word info      
89 to hold word info loko      
90 to dig gali   1  
91 to buy báli   1  
92 to open, uncover buka   1  
93 to pound, beat word info giliŋ      
94 to throw word info buaŋ   36  
95 to fall word info jato   38  
96 dog anjiŋ   27  
97 bird buru   17  
98 egg tálor   1  
99 feather bulu   1  
100 wing sayap   26  
101 to fly tárbaŋ   18  
102 rat tikus   22  
103 meat/flesh dagiŋ   26  
104 fat/grease gámu   26  
105 tail ɛkor   1  
106 snake ular   2  
107 worm (earthworm) caciŋ   23  
108 louse word info kutu   1  
109 mosquito ñamu   1  
110 spider lawa-lawa   1  
111 fish ikaŋ   1  
112 rotten word info busu   56  
113 branch word info dahan   1  
114 leaf daoŋ   1  
115 root akar   2  
116 flower buŋa   1  
117 fruit bua-bua   1  
118 grass rumpu   27  
119 earth/soil tana   1  
120 stone batu   1  
121 sand pasir   18  
122 water word info air   2  
123 to flow maŋalir   1  
124 sea lau   6  
125 salt garaŋ   18  
126 lake danau   1  
127 woods/forest utaŋ   7  
128 sky laŋit   1  
129 moon bulaŋ   1  
130 star bintaŋ   1  
131 cloud word info awaŋ   1  
132 fog kabut   1  
133 rain ujaŋ   1  
134 thunder guntur   30  
135 lightning kilat   1  
136 wind aŋiŋ   1  
137 to blow word info tiop   1  
138 warm word info panas   1  
139 cold word info diŋiŋ   1  
140 dry word info kariŋ   22  
141 wet basa   1  
142 heavy bar'at   1  
143 fire api   1  
144 to burn word info bakar   25  
145 smoke word info asap   49  
146 ash abu   1  
147 black itaŋ   1  
148 white puti   1  
149 red mera   1  
150 yellow buniŋ   1?  
151 green ijo   25  
152 small kacupiŋ      
153 big garos      
154 short word info pendé   68  
155 long word info panjaŋ   24  
156 thin word info tipis   1  
157 thick word info tab'al   26  
158 narrow sas'a   32  
159 wide lebar   1?  
160 painful, sick saki   1  
161 shy, ashamed malu   20  
162 old word info tua   1  
163 new baru   1  
164 good hae      
165 bad, evil kajahataŋ   1  
166 correct, true batul   23?  
167 night malaŋ   20  
168 day hari   17  
169 year tao   1  
170 when? word info apa tempo      
171 to hide word info basambuñi   1  
172 to climb word info nae   1  
173 at di   20  
174 in, inside di dalaŋ   1  
175 above di atas   1  
176 below di bawa   1  
177 this ini   1  
178 that itu   16  
179 near dekat   28  
180 far jao   1  
181 where? word info di mana   20  
182 I béta   10  
183 thou osé      
183 thou ale   4  
184 he/she dia   18  
185 we word info katoŋ      
186 you doŋ      
187 they kamoŋ      
188 what? word info apa   1  
189 who? word info siapa   12  
190 other laeŋ   2  
191 all samua   33  
192 and dan   18  
193 if kalo   14  
194 how? word info bagaimana   23  
195 no, not      
195 no, not tar      
196 to count itoŋ   31  
197 One word info satu   1, 16  
198 Two word info dua   1  
199 Three word info tiga   8  
200 Four word info ampa   1  
201 Five word info      
202 Six word info      
203 Seven word info      
204 Eight word info      
205 Nine word info      
206 Ten word info      
207 Twenty word info      
208 Fifty word info      
209 One Hundred word info      
210 One Thousand word info      

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