: Austronesian : Crows : Bantu :

Language: Futuna-Aniwa

Source/Author:  Kenneth Fakamuri, POLLEX 2002 (Bruce Biggs & Ross Clark) 
Identifiers:  ISO-639-3:fut  Glottocode: futu1245 
Data Entry:  Typed By: Penny Keenan  Checked By: Simon Greenhill 
Classification:  Austronesian:Malayo-Polynesian:Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian:Eastern Malayo-Polynesian:Oceanic:Central-Eastern Oceanic:Remote Oceanic:Central Pacific:East Fijian-Polynesian:Polynesian:Nuclear:Samoic-Outlier:Futunic 


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ID: Word: Item: Annotation: Cognacy: Loan:
1 hand rima   1, 64  
2 left masui   1, 59, 74  
3 right matau   5, 13  
4 leg/foot vae   1, 100  
5 to walk      
6 road/path retu      
7 to come hmai [ṃai]   1  
8 to turn word info tafuri Pollex 06: Tafuri. :To turn (Dty). 15  
9 to swim kaukau   5  
9 to swim kau Swim (Dty) 5  
10 dirty uriuri 'dark' form cognate with 114, but not same semantic value -MW    
10 dirty paku Pollex 06: Paku. :Dirty; a blot (Cpl). 37  
11 dust baku   1  
12 skin kiri   1  
13 back word info bua   62  
14 belly shinae [ʃinae]   19, 34  
14 belly manava Belly 9  
14 belly alo Front, chest 10  
15 bone ivi   52, 5  
15 bone iui Bone (ANI) (Dty) 52, 5  
16 intestines hgavava [ŋ̥avave]   11  
16 intestines jinae Belly, abdomen, stomach 1  
16 intestines vava Intestines 11  
17 liver ate   1  
18 breast u   1  
19 shoulder pahkau "h" is unexpected - JCM 22  
19 shoulder pakau Polelx 06: Pakau. :Wing, shoulder (Dty). 22  
20 to know, be knowledgeable iroa   13  
21 to think manatunea   9  
21 to think manatunea Think, meditate, understand (Dty) 9  
22 to fear mataku   1  
23 blood toto   4  
24 head uru   1  
25 neck kaupenaua   21, 18  
25 neck penaaua Pollex 06: Penaaua. :Neck. 21, 18  
26 hair word info fufuru-uru   31  
26 hair word info furu Hair, fur, feathers (Dty) 31  
26 hair word info ra-uru Hair of head 40  
27 nose isu   1  
28 to breathe hmava [ṃava]   1  
28 to breathe manava Breathe rapidly (as with fright) (Dty) 1  
29 to sniff, smell namuia   41  
29 to sniff, smell soŋi Kiss 9  
30 mouth fafa   1  
31 tooth nifo   1  
32 tongue rero   15  
33 to laugh kata   7  
34 to cry tangi   1  
34 to cry tagi Cry 1  
35 to vomit hlua [ḷua]   8  
35 to vomit lua vomit 8  
35 to vomit hlua vomit (Dty) 8  
36 to spit savari   18  
36 to spit saavari-a To spit, spittle (Dty) 18  
37 to eat kai   1, 47  
37 to eat kai kai Food, eat (Dty) 1, 47  
37 to eat keina Eat (Trans.) 1, 47  
38 to chew word info maia   76  
38 to chew word info mama Pollex 06: Mama. :Chew. 1  
39 to cook word info hkavi   2  
39 to cook word info tao Cook in earth oven 10  
39 to cook word info htunu   9  
40 to drink inu   1  
41 to bite mangushia [maŋuʃia]   9  
42 to suck umia   12  
42 to suck umia Suck, to nurse (Dty) 12  
43 ear taringa   1  
44 to hear rangona   1, 83  
45 eye feimata   1, 39  
45 eye mata Eye 1  
46 to see safea      
47 to yawn (h)mava Yawn, pull in breath (Dty) 19, 39  
48 to sleep moeroa   10, 109  
49 to lie down word info moe   6  
50 to dream mishi [miʃi]   36  
50 to dream miji Dream (Dty) 36  
51 to sit buku      
51 to sit nofo Sit 16  
52 to stand tu   2  
53 person/human being tangata   1, 66, 97  
53 person/human being tafata Man, person, human being (Dty) 1, 66  
54 man/male tane   1, 11  
54 man/male taane Male 1, 11  
55 woman/female [fʰine]   1, 41  
55 woman/female fafine Women 1, 106  
56 child tama   6  
57 husband tangata   23  
58 wife [fʰine]   5, 89  
58 wife nofune Old woman (Clk) 5, 66  
58 wife nafune Old woman (Clk) 5, 66  
58 wife fine Woman, girl, female, wife (Dty) 5, 89  
59 mother shinana   1  
59 mother nana Mother (vocative) 1, 83  
59 mother tsinana Mother 1  
60 father tamana   1  
60 father tamana Father 1  
61 house fare   14  
62 thatch/roof      
63 name ingoa   6  
63 name eigoa Name (Dty) 6  
64 to say tukua   27  
64 to say tukua Pollex 06: Tuku/a. :Say, tell. 27  
65 rope vava   74  
65 rope taura Rope (Cpl) 9  
66 to tie up, fasten rishia   14  
66 to tie up, fasten fausia To bind (Dty) 11  
67 to sew word info sukia   17  
67 to sew word info tui To thread, string something (Dty) 13, 16  
68 needle nil L from English   L
68 needle sikup Needle for sewing nets (Dty) 9  
69 to hunt word info hmoshi [mcʃi]      
70 to shoot word info fania   1  
70 to shoot word info fana Bow, shoot 1  
71 to stab, pierce sukia   1, 8  
71 to stab, pierce sukia Pierce, stab, sew (Dty) 1, 8  
72 to hit word info jia [ǰia] could be palatalised *ta - jcm    
72 to hit word info paki Slap, strike with the open hand (Dty) 6  
72 to hit word info tuki Hit, poke, punch (Dty) 8  
73 to steal ʃiŋo      
74 to kill jia ka mate   2  
75 to die, be dead mate   1  
76 to live, be alive mouri   1, 76  
77 to scratch word info arashia   10  
77 to scratch word info arajia Scratch, engrave, claw (Dty) 10  
78 to cut, hack word info saua      
78 to cut, hack word info motu Be severed, cut, broke (Dty) 54, 14  
78 to cut, hack word info sere Cut, circumcise 16  
78 to cut, hack word info tuia Cut away, cut off 17  
79 stick/wood ranea      
79 stick/wood rakau Tree, plant (Dty); club 1, 26  
80 to split word info fasia   4  
80 to split word info tapasia Break, split; separate 4  
81 sharp [ṃtakai]   14, 16  
81 sharp mtakai Pollex 06: Mta/kai. :Sharp (Cpl). 14, 16  
82 dull, blunt [ṃtapuni]   39, 49  
83 to work word info fishikai   26  
84 to plant hpura [pʰura]      
85 to choose tusia      
86 to grow word info somo To grow of plants 7  
86 to grow word info tupu Grow 1  
87 to swell word info hfura[fʰura]   7  
87 to swell word info fura Swell (of a sore) 7  
88 to squeeze word info kumkumia   14  
89 to hold word info kumia   1  
90 to dig keria   1  
90 to dig keria Dig 1  
91 to buy takamata   43  
92 to open, uncover atongia      
93 to pound, beat word info tuhtukia   20, 2  
94 to throw word info shiri   9  
94 to throw word info tsiri Throw 9  
95 to fall word info takaifo      
96 dog kuli   7  
97 bird manu   1  
98 egg vahvaka   9  
99 feather furu [furu]   1  
99 feather furu Pollex 06: Furu. :Hair, fur, feathers (Dty). 1  
100 wing pahkau   1, 59  
100 wing pakau Wing, shoulder (Dty) 1, 59  
101 to fly rere   11  
102 rat kimoa   14  
103 meat/flesh hkano [kʰano]   14  
104 fat/grease ngako   14  
105 tail suku   13  
105 tail siku Tail, tail end (Dty) 13  
106 snake ngata   12  
107 worm (earthworm) nufekere   9  
108 louse word info kutu   1  
109 mosquito namo   1  
109 mosquito namu Mosquito 1  
110 spider toutouafare   5  
111 fish ika   1  
112 rotten word info purau   15  
112 rotten word info para Rotten; to decay 13  
112 rotten word info popo Rotted (Dty) 14  
113 branch word info -ra   1  
113 branch word info rakau Tree, plant (Dty); club 1, 4  
114 leaf -rau   1  
114 leaf rau Leaf (Dty) 1  
115 root -akai   2  
116 flower -se   9  
116 flower se Flower (Dty) 9  
117 fruit -fua   1  
117 fruit fua Fruit (Dty 1  
118 grass ngafari   1  
119 earth/soil kere   10  
120 stone fātu   1  
121 sand hngaone[ŋ̥aone]   1  
121 sand one Sand 1  
122 water word info vai   2  
123 to flow tafe   10  
123 to flow saria Run, flow (Dty) 24  
124 sea tai   1  
125 salt sol L from English   L
126 lake namo [=small pool] 7  
127 woods/forest ngamotu hmara [ṃara] L from Namakura or Nakanamanga 18 L
128 sky rangi   1  
128 sky ragi Sky, heaven (Dty) 1  
129 moon [ṃrama]   7  
129 moon mrama Pollex 06: Mrama. :Moon, month. 7  
130 star fatū   1  
131 cloud word info boa   67  
131 cloud word info tihtea To shine after rain (of sun) (Dty) 13  
132 fog kofu   1, 47  
133 rain ua   1  
134 thunder vahshiri   14  
134 thunder vehjiri Thunder (Dty) 14  
135 lightning tapeia   13?  
136 wind [ṃtangi]   1, 66  
136 wind matagi Wind (Dty) 1, 66  
136 wind sau To blow (of wind); sound of wind 10  
137 to blow word info hsau [sʰau]   12  
137 to blow word info ifia To blow (Dty) 5  
137 to blow word info ifia   5  
138 warm word info mafana   1, 72  
139 cold word info makahlingi   1, 53  
139 cold word info makaligi Cold 1, 53  
140 dry word info matu   66  
140 dry word info masa To dry up, evaporate completely (Dty) 11  
141 wet hnupu [n̥upu]      
141 wet su Wet (Dty) 11  
142 heavy hmafa [ṃafa]   46  
142 heavy mafa Heavy 46  
143 fire afi   1  
144 to burn word info tungia   1, 7  
144 to burn word info tugia Burn, ignite, roast (Dty) 1, 7  
144 to burn word info tuŋtuŋia Burn many things 1, 7  
145 smoke word info ausafi   2  
145 smoke word info au Smoke (Dty) 2  
146 ash namuhlanga L from SVan Lgs   L
146 ash efu Pollex 06: Efu. :Ashes. 1  
146 ash magarafu   67, 60  
147 black uri   7  
148 white hkengo [kʰeŋa]   10  
148 white tea White 8  
149 red hmea [ṃea]   1  
149 red mea Brown, red 1  
150 yellow raunea hleu [ḷeu]      
150 yellow fero Yellow (Dty) 11  
151 green raunea mahmata   1, 12  
151 green moto Green, bitter, unripe (Dty) 1, 10  
152 small sisi   141  
152 small poto Short x  
153 big sore      
153 big efa Big (Ply) 13  
154 short word info hpoto [pʰoto]   9  
154 short word info poto Short 9  
154 short word info saka Short, short of stature (Dty) 10  
155 long word info hpalo [pʰalo]   72  
156 thin word info mafinfini   1  
157 thick word info matoru   3  
158 narrow hkapi [kʰapi]   1  
159 wide hlafa [ḷafa]   48  
159 wide xlafa Broad, wide 48  
160 painful, sick maki   1  
160 painful, sick hmae Pain (Dty) 10  
160 painful, sick areki Weak, sick (Dty) 1?  
161 shy, ashamed hma [ṃa]   1  
161 shy, ashamed hma Be ashamed, embarassed (Dty) 1  
162 old word info takausore      
163 new fou   1  
164 good rufie   92  
165 bad, evil sa   1  
165 bad, evil saa Bad 1  
166 correct, true nomari   106?  
166 correct, true tonu Straight, correct (Dty) 8  
167 night bo   1  
167 night po Dark, darkness, night (Dty) 1  
168 day ao   1, 54  
169 year tau   1  
170 when? word info afia   5  
171 to hide word info hmuni [ṃuni]   1, 67  
172 to climb word info kʰava      
172 to climb word info fiji Go up, ascend (Dty) 6  
172 to climb word info fishi   6  
173 at i   1  
174 in, inside weitakoro   26  
174 in, inside i In, at, on x  
175 above weihlunga   9  
176 below weiraro   8  
176 below raro Below, underneath, down (Dty) 8  
177 this tenei   7, 1  
178 that tena   1  
179 near tata   9  
180 far hpai [pʰai]   43  
181 where? word info wafe   3, 35  
181 where? word info uafe Where? (Dty) 3, 35  
182 I avau   1, 21, 18  
182 I au I, me (Dty) 1, 21  
183 thou akoe   1  
183 thou -koe Second person singular pronoun stem (Dty) 1  
184 he/she aia   1  
184 he/she -ia Third person singular personal pronoun 1  
185 we word info kìtaua dl 1, 29  
185 we word info akitatou First person inclusive plural pronoun (Dty) 1, 39  
185 we word info akitaua First person inclusive dual pronoun (Dty) 1, 29  
185 we word info kìmaua   2, 29  
186 you korua dl x  
186 you -koe Second person singular pronoun stem (Dty), Second person dual pronoun, you (Dty), Second person plural pronoun in nucleus of the phrase (Ply) s  
187 they kiraua dl x  
188 what? word info taha   1  
188 what? word info ha What? (Dty) 1  
188 what? word info aha What? 1  
189 who? word info akai   1  
190 other teiai   7?  
191 all kireoʃi   60?  
191 all otshi Pollex 06: Otshi. :All. 60  
192 and ma   2  
193 if pe   28  
194 how? word info pekua   1  
195 no, not shikai   10, 83  
196 to count taua   8  
196 to count taua Count, add, read (Dty) 8  
197 One word info tasi   41  
198 Two word info rua   1  
199 Three word info toru   1  
200 Four word info hfa [fʰa]   1, 66  
200 Four word info fa Four (Cpl) 1, 66  
201 Five word info rima Five, hand-arm.(Source: Pollex) 1  
202 Six word info      
203 Seven word info fitu Seven (Dty).(Source: Pollex) 1  
204 Eight word info varu Pollex 06: Varu. :Eight. 3  
205 Nine word info iva Nine (Dty).(Source: Pollex) 5, 44  
206 Ten word info -gafuru Ten (Dty).(Source: Pollex) 5, 32  
206 Ten word info tagafuru Ten (Dty).(Source: Pollex) 5  
206 Ten word info taragafuru Ten (Dty).(Source: Pollex) 5  
207 Twenty word info      
208 Fifty word info      
209 One Hundred word info      
210 One Thousand word info      

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