: Austronesian : Crows : Bantu :

Language: Kuanua (Makada)

Source/Author:  Barlow (2024) 
Identifiers:  ISO-639-3:ksd  Glottocode: kuan1248 
Notes:  Barlow, Russell. 2024. The Makada dialect of Kuanua. Te Reo 67(1): 1–71. 
Data Entry:  Typed By: Russell Barlow  Checked By: Russell Barlow 
Classification:  Austronesian:Malayo-Polynesian:Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian:Eastern Malayo-Polynesian:Oceanic:Western Oceanic:Meso Melanesian:New Ireland:South New Ireland-Northwest Solomonic 
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Showing all of 75 entries


ID: Word: Item: Annotation: Cognacy: Loan:
1 hand lim 'hand, arm'; /limag/ 'my hand', /limam/ 'your hand', /limən/ 'his/her hand'    
2 left mair      
3 right limətun      
4 leg/foot kek 'leg, foot'; /kakig/ 'my leg', /kakim/ 'your leg', /kaken/ 'his/her leg'    
5 to walk wən 'to go, to walk'; /wən/, /wənə/, /wənəwən/    
6 road/path ŋai      
7 to come wən ukai 'to go hither'    
7 to come tədəu      
7 to come pot      
8 to turn word info lili 'to spin'    
8 to turn word info puku- 'to overturn, to flip over'; /pukue/, /pupukuəi/    
8 to turn word info təbe 'to turn, to steer (transitive)'    
8 to turn word info wəliliai 'to turn around (intransitive)'    
9 to swim alir 'to swim, to float, to flow'    
10 dirty dur      
11 dust kebu 'dust, ashes'    
12 skin pələ 'skin, body'; /palig/ 'my skin', /palim/ 'your skin', /palin/ 'his/her skin'    
13 back word info tamur      
13 back word info toru- /torum/ 'your back', /torun/ 'his/her back'    
14 belly bəl /bəlag/ 'my belly', /bəlam/ 'your belly', /bələn/ 'his/her belly'    
15 bone ur /urun/ 'his/her bone'    
16 intestines winon nə bəl 'guts of belly'; /winon nə bələn/ 'his/her intestines'    
16 intestines winon      
17 liver kat 'liver, heart (?)'; /katig/ 'my liver', /katim/ 'your liver', /katin/ 'his/her liver'    
18 breast boŋoboŋ 'chest'; /boŋoboŋom/ 'your chest', /boŋoboŋon/ 'his/her chest'    
18 breast u 'woman's breast'; /um/ 'your breast', /un/ 'her breast'    
19 shoulder kəukəuwal /kəukəuwalig/ 'my shoulder', /kəukəuwalim/ 'your shoulder'    
20 to know, be knowledgeable nunure 'to know'    
21 to think nuk- /nukiə/, /nunuk/; /ninunuk/ 'thought'    
22 to fear burut /burut/, /burutəne/    
23 blood gap /gapun/ 'his/her blood'    
24 head lor      
24 head ol /olug/ 'my head', /olun/ 'his/her head'    
25 neck kokoŋ /kokoŋim/ 'your neck', /kokoŋin/ 'his/her neck'    
26 hair word info ewau 'body hair'; /ewauin/ 'his/her body hair'    
26 hair word info kəpit nə lor 'hair of head'    
26 hair word info kəpit nə olun 'hair of his/her head'    
26 hair word info kəpit 'hair, feather'    
27 nose bile /bileug/ 'my nose', /bileum/ 'your nose', /bileun/ 'his/her nose'    
28 to breathe ali wuwu 'to pull wind'; cf. Tok Pisin /pulim win/ 'to breathe'    
29 to sniff, smell luŋ- /luŋu/, /luluŋ/    
30 mouth ŋiə /ŋieg/ 'my mouth', /ŋiem/ 'your mouth', /ŋien/ 'his/her mouth'    
31 tooth pəlaŋiə /pələŋien/ 'his/her tooth'    
32 tongue kərəmiə /kərəmeam/ 'your tongue', /kərəmean/ 'his/her tongue'    
33 to laugh nəŋon /nəŋon/, /noŋone/; /niŋəŋon/ 'laughter'    
34 to cry təŋi /təŋi/; /tinəŋen/ 'crying, lamentation'    
35 to vomit mərumaruəi      
36 to spit gəmi /gəmi/, /gəmiə/, /gəgəmi/    
37 to eat ian 'to eat (intransitive)'    
37 to eat eni 'to eat (transitive)'    
38 to chew word info məi 'to chew betel nut'; /məi/, /məməi/; /minəməi/ 'chewed-up betel nut'    
39 to cook word info pər- 'to cook in an earth oven, to mumu (Tok Pisin)'; /pəre/, /pəpər/; /pinəpər/ 'oven cooking, oven cookery'    
39 to cook word info pan 'to fry'; /pani/; loan from English /pan/?   L?
39 to cook word info kur- 'to boil'; /kuro/, /kurua/    
39 to cook word info tun- 'to burn (transitive), to cook'; /tunu/, /tutun/    
40 to drink mom /mom/, /mome/; /wamoma/ 'to make drink'    
41 to bite kərət /kərət/, /kərətiə/, /wərkərat/    
42 to suck u same form as 'breast'; /wəu/ 'to make suck, to nurse (transitive)'    
43 ear taliŋ /təliŋag/ 'my ear', /təliŋam/ 'your ear', /təliŋən/ 'his/her ear'    
44 to hear waləŋor /waləŋor/, /wəloŋore/    
45 eye mət /mətag/ 'my eye', /mətam/ 'your eye', /mətən/ 'his/her eye'    
46 to see gir- /gire/, /gigir/    
47 to yawn mowiəu      
48 to sleep diəu dumən      
48 to sleep diəu 'to sleep, to lie down'; /diəu/; /nidiəu/ 'sleep, rest'    
49 to lie down word info diəu 'to sleep, to lie down'; /diəu/; /nidiəu/ 'sleep, rest'    
50 to dream ririwon      
51 to sit ki      
52 to stand tur /tur/, /turu/    
53 person/human being tərəi 'people, men, husbands (plural)'    
53 person/human being tərək 'one (person), other'    
53 person/human being gunən nitun 'person' < /gunən/ 'village' + /ni-tun/ 'NMLZ-true'    
54 man/male tərəi 'people, men, husbands (plural)'    
54 man/male tutunən 'man, husband'    
55 woman/female wəriden 'women, wives (plural)'    
55 woman/female wawin 'woman, wife'    
56 child naik 'small, young'    
56 child natu /natug/ 'my child', /natum/ 'your child', /natun/ 'his/her child'    
56 child bul /bul/; /bulik/ 'little child' (with /-ik/ 'DIM')    
57 husband tolai 'spouse'; /bərətolai/ 'spouses (plural)'    
57 husband tutunən 'man, husband'    
58 wife tolai 'spouse'; /bərətolai/ 'spouses (plural)'    
58 wife wəriden 'women, wives (plural)'    
58 wife wawin 'woman, wife'    
59 mother tine /tinag/ 'my mother', /tinam/ 'your mother', /tinən/ 'his/her mother'    
59 mother nana 'mother (vocative)'    
60 father tata 'father (vocative)'    
60 father təme /təmag/ 'my father', /təmam/ 'your father', /təmən/ 'his/her father'    
61 house pal      
62 thatch/roof ol ə pal 'roof'; literally 'head on house'    
62 thatch/roof kəbəkabon 'thatch'    
63 name iəŋ /iaŋig/ 'my name', /iaŋin/ 'his/her name'    
64 to say wəriwe 'to tell'    
64 to say bia 'to say; thus, like this'    
64 to say mərug- /məruge/, /mərumarug/ 'saying, speech, talk'    
65 rope winau 'vine, rope'    
66 to tie up, fasten wi      
67 to sew word info iŋit- /iŋiti/, /iŋitiə/, /iŋiŋit/; /niŋit/ 'sewing, stitchery'    
68 needle ur nə niŋit literally 'bone of sewing'    
68 needle nil loan from Tok Pisin /nil/ 'needle'   L
69 to hunt word info awer 'to seek, to look for'; /awer/, /awəre/    
69 to hunt word info leb /leb/, /lebi/; /nileb/ 'hunting, pursuit'; from an archaic word for 'dog'?    
70 to shoot word info bir- 'to shoot with a stone or a piece of wood'; /biri/, /biriə/, /biru/    
70 to shoot word info ub- 'to shoot with a spear'; /ubiə/, /ubu/    
70 to shoot word info pənak 'to shoot with a sling'; /pənak/, /pənaki/, /pəpənak/    
70 to shoot word info gulum- 'to shoot with a short piece of wood'; /gulumiə/, /gugulum/    
71 to stab, pierce goa 'to pierce; to copulate with'    
71 to stab, pierce tor- 'to stab, to stick, to pierce'; /tori/, /totor/; possible loan from Ramoaaina   L?
72 to hit word info rəpu 'to hit with the hand'    
72 to hit word info wulət- 'to hit with a stick'; /wuləti/, /wulətiə/, /wuwulət/    
73 to steal loŋ /loŋ/, /loŋi/, /loŋiə/; /niloŋ/ 'theft'    
74 to kill dok- /doka/, /doko/, /wərdədok/    
75 to die, be dead mat      
76 to live, be alive ləun      
77 to scratch word info ud- 'to scrape (cassava)'; /udiə/, /udud/    
77 to scratch word info kəi 'to scratch, to scrape (a coconut)'; /kəi/, /kəkəi/, /kəkəkəi/    
78 to cut, hack word info bur- 'to cut (a tree), to chop'; /buriə/, /buru/, /bubur/, /buburu/    
78 to cut, hack word info kut- 'to cut (into pieces), to chop'; /kutiə/, /kutu/    
78 to cut, hack word info burukut- 'to cut up, to chop up'; /burukutiə/, /burukutu/    
78 to cut, hack word info pok- 'to cut with a small knife, to slice'; /poka/, /poko/    
78 to cut, hack word info tog- 'to cut (e.g., bone)'; /toga/, /togo/    
78 to cut, hack word info rəmai 'to cut grass'    
79 stick/wood pəkən nə dəwai 'piece of wood'    
79 stick/wood ŋun nə dəwəi 'piece of wood'    
79 stick/wood dəwai 'tree, wood'    
79 stick/wood buk 'walking stick'    
79 stick/wood olot 'digging stick'    
80 to split word info arik- /arikiə/, /ararik/    
80 to split word info pəlag /pəlag/, /pəlagi/, /pəlagiə/, /pəpələg/    
80 to split word info rəbəne 'to tear apart, to shred'; /rəbəne/, /rəbərəbəne/    
81 sharp ŋəŋər      
82 dull, blunt mul      
82 dull, blunt botbot      
83 to work word info pəlum- 'to work, to work in a garden'; /pəlumiə/, /pəlumu/; /pəpəlum/ 'garden'    
84 to plant oe      
85 to choose pilək- /piləki/, /piləkiə/, /pipilək/    
86 to grow word info tawə      
87 to swell word info uruŋ /uruŋ/, /ururuŋ/    
88 to squeeze word info pipit- /pipite/, /pipitəne/    
88 to squeeze word info pur- 'to squeeze grated coconut'; /puriə/, /puru/    
89 to hold word info wətur- /wəturiə/, /wəturu/, /wəwətur/; literally 'to make stand'?    
90 to dig kəl- /kəli/, /kəkəl/    
91 to buy kul- /kuliə/, /kulu/, /kukul/    
92 to open, uncover pəpə 'to open'; /pəpə/, /pəpəi/    
92 to open, uncover wəwai 'to reveal'    
93 to pound, beat word info tut- 'to pound, to beat, to crush (e.g., nuts)'; /tutiə/, /tutu/, /tutut/    
93 to pound, beat word info ak- 'to pound, to crush, to smash (e.g., shells)'; /akiə/, /akak/    
94 to throw word info bəl- /bəle/, /bəbələi/    
94 to throw word info pəkəte 'to throw, to flick, to flip'    
95 to fall word info burəi      
96 dog pap      
97 bird beo      
98 egg kiau /kiaun/ 'its egg'    
99 feather kəpit 'hair, feather'    
99 feather lakuə /lakuən/ 'its feather'; possible loan from Ramoaaina   L?
100 wing bəbe /bəbean/ 'its wing'    
101 to fly pururuŋ      
102 rat kuw      
102 rat məŋ 'bandicoot'    
103 meat/flesh wion      
103 meat/flesh kirip 'protein source (including meat, fish, eggs)'    
104 fat/grease bir /birin/ 'his/her/its fat'    
105 tail kur /kurun/ 'its tail'    
106 snake wui      
107 worm (earthworm) kalol      
108 louse word info ut      
108 louse word info liə 'louse egg, nit'    
109 mosquito ŋətiŋat      
110 spider kəbilok      
111 fish en      
112 rotten word info marer      
112 rotten word info məraŋ 'dry, rotten'    
113 branch word info gəgən 'branch, thigh'; possible loan from Ramoaaina   L?
114 leaf məpinai      
115 root okor      
116 flower purpur      
117 fruit wunuwəi      
117 fruit wen 'seed, fruit'    
117 fruit pəti 'seed'; /patin/ 'its seed'    
118 grass wur      
118 grass kunəi 'sword grass'    
119 earth/soil piə      
120 stone wat      
121 sand weo      
122 water word info təu      
123 to flow alir 'to swim, to float, to flow'    
124 sea tai 'sea, salt'    
125 salt tai 'sea, salt'    
125 salt məpək 'bitter, salty'    
125 salt sol loan from Tok Pisin /sol/ 'salt'   L
126 lake tai lili 'lake' < /tai/ 'water' + /lili/ 'to spin'; cf. Tok Pisin /raunwara/ 'lake'    
126 lake lob 'pond'    
127 woods/forest ləkor      
128 sky məup      
128 sky bəkut 'cloud, sky'    
129 moon gai 'moon, month'    
130 star təgul      
131 cloud word info bəkut 'cloud, sky'    
132 fog gawul      
132 fog wal      
133 rain bət      
134 thunder pəgupagur      
135 lightning pipi      
136 wind wuwu 'wind, breath'    
137 to blow word info wu      
137 to blow word info tur same form as 'to stand'    
138 warm word info murərəŋ 'warm, hot (weather)'    
138 warm word info mələpəŋ 'warm, hot (feeling, as from fever)'    
139 cold word info madiriŋ 'cool, cold (weather)'; /wəmədiriŋ/ 'to make cold, to freeze (transitive)'    
139 cold word info mudiən 'cool, cold (feeling, as from chills)'    
140 dry word info geage      
140 dry word info məraŋ 'dry, rotten'    
141 wet buibui      
142 heavy məmət      
143 fire iau      
144 to burn word info o 'to burn (intransitive)'    
144 to burn word info tun- 'to burn (transitive), to cook'; /tunu/, /tutun/    
144 to burn word info raŋi 'to singe'    
145 smoke word info mi      
146 ash kebu 'dust, ashes'    
146 ash kebu nə iau 'dust/ashes of fire'    
147 black mərut /mərut/, /mərutun/    
148 white pua      
149 red biro /biro/, /biron/    
150 yellow wai /wai/, /wain/; possible loan from Ramoaaina   L?
151 green limut /limut/, /limutun/    
152 small kilik      
152 small naik 'small, young'    
153 big ŋəl      
154 short word info ŋun      
155 long word info loi cf. /ləloi/ 'coil of shell money'    
156 thin word info pəlabeb 'thin, flat'    
157 thick word info butubut      
158 narrow ŋətur      
159 wide ləben      
160 painful, sick kədik 'to be in pain, to hurt'; /kədik/; /kinədik/ 'pain'    
160 painful, sick məit 'sick, to be sick'    
161 shy, ashamed ruw 'shy'    
161 shy, ashamed wiriwir 'ashamed, to be ashamed'; /wiriwir/; /wəwiriwir/ 'to cause shame'    
162 old word info məulun      
162 old word info ləpun 'old person'    
163 new kələmən 'new, raw, uncooked'    
164 good boi      
165 bad, evil kain /wəkəina/ 'to make bad, to ruin'    
166 correct, true dəwot 'correct, true'; /dəwot/, /dəwatin/    
166 correct, true tun 'true, right'    
166 correct, true takədoi 'straight, flat; correct'    
167 night mərum      
168 day buŋ 'day (countable)'    
168 day mage 'sun, day(time)'    
169 year kiləl      
170 when? word info wiŋaiə      
171 to hide word info pərəu 'to hide (intransitive)'    
171 to hide word info doŋ 'to hide (intransitive)'; /doŋ/; /doŋdoŋ/ 'hiding place'    
171 to hide word info iwe 'to hide (transitive)'    
172 to climb word info koe      
172 to climb word info kəkuai      
173 at ə 'in, at, on'    
174 in, inside ə 'in, at, on'    
174 in, inside əra 'in, inside'    
174 in, inside 'of, in'    
175 above kənəm      
175 above liu      
175 above məliu 'up'    
175 above ərəm 'up'    
175 above urəm 'up'    
176 below kəna      
176 below ur 'down'    
176 below ura 'down'    
176 below uri 'down'    
177 this no      
177 this ni      
177 this nəgo      
178 that ma      
178 that na      
178 that mena      
179 near mərəwəi      
180 far wəilik      
181 where? word info wa      
181 where? word info əwa      
182 I iau 'me' (1SG independent/object)    
182 I io 'I' (1SG subject)    
183 thou u 'you' (2SG independent/object/subject)    
184 he/she 'him, her, it' (3SG object)    
184 he/she i 'he, she, it' (3SG subject)    
185 we word info mam 'us' (1PL.EXCL independent/object)    
185 we word info mi 'we' (1PL.EXCL subject)    
185 we word info təd 'us' (1PL.INCL independent/object)    
185 we word info tunu 'we' (1PL.INCL subject)    
185 we word info məmir 'us two' (1DU.EXCL independent/object)    
185 we word info miri 'we two' (1DU.EXCL subject)    
185 we word info dətər 'us two' (1DU.INCL independent/object)    
185 we word info duru 'we two' (DU.INCL subject)    
185 we word info məmital 'us three' (1TR.EXCL independent/object)    
185 we word info mitili 'we three' (1TR.EXCL subject)    
185 we word info tətal 'us three' (1TR.INCL independent/object)    
185 we word info tulu 'we three' (1TR.INCL subject)    
186 you mui 'you' (2PL independent/object)    
186 you mu 'you' (2PL subject)    
186 you məmur 'you two' (2DU independent/object)    
186 you muru 'you two' (2DU subject)    
186 you məmutal 'you three' (2TR independent/object)    
186 you mutulu 'you' (2TR subject)    
187 they id 'them' (3PL independent/object)    
187 they di 'they' (3PL subject)    
187 they dur 'them two' (3DU independent/object)    
187 they duru 'they two' (3DU subject)    
187 they dital 'them three' (3TR independent/object)    
187 they ditili 'they three' (3TR subject)    
188 what? word info au      
189 who? word info i      
190 other tərə wənə 'other, another (person)'    
190 other tərək 'one (person), other'    
190 other tarə 'another'    
191 all mutu      
192 and      
193 if ona      
193 if tona      
194 how? word info bie      
195 no, not preverbal negator    
195 no, not pətai 'no (negative response word), nothing'    
195 no, not kir prenominal negator    
195 no, not wəkir prenominal negator    
196 to count luk- /lukiə/, /luku/    
197 One word info tikai absolute numeral    
197 One word info wənə adnominal numeral    
197 One word info ə wənə adnominal numeral    
197 One word info tərək 'one (person), other'    
197 One word info təke in esoteric counting    
198 Two word info ə uruə absolute numeral    
198 Two word info ə urə adnominal numeral    
198 Two word info urəde in esoteric counting    
199 Three word info ə utul absolute/adnominal numeral    
199 Three word info təmapu in esoteric counting    
200 Four word info ə iwat absolute numeral    
200 Four word info ə iwət adnominal numeral    
200 Four word info kaiti in esoteric counting    
201 Five word info ə ilim absolute numeral    
201 Five word info ə ilima adnominal numeral    
201 Five word info kaita in esoteric counting    
202 Six word info ləptikai absolute numeral    
202 Six word info ləptiken adnominal numeral    
202 Six word info libur in esoteric counting    
203 Seven word info ləwuruə absolute numeral    
203 Seven word info ləwuruən adnominal numeral    
203 Seven word info matam in esoteric counting    
204 Eight word info ləwutul absolute numeral    
204 Eight word info ləwutulun adnominal numeral    
204 Eight word info tumam in esoteric counting    
205 Nine word info ləwuwat absolute numeral    
205 Nine word info ləwuwətin adnominal numeral    
205 Nine word info tərərek in esoteric counting    
206 Ten word info winun absolute/adnominal numeral    
206 Ten word info ə winun absolute/adnominal numeral    
206 Ten word info mude in esoteric counting    
207 Twenty word info ə ura winun      
208 Fifty word info ə ilima na winun      
209 One Hundred word info mar 'hundred'    
209 One Hundred word info tərək ərə mar 'one hundred'    
210 One Thousand word info rip 'thousand'    
210 One Thousand word info tərək ərə rip 'one thousand'    

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